Saturday, May 21, 2011

The #1 reason Jesus is not returning today!

You are expecting it.

You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.
Matthew 24:44

Sunday, May 8, 2011

To the 'Christian' Homosexual

This is a follow up to a previous post I made a few months ago. That
one is found here
It focused on accepting the person struggling with same-sex
attraction. Please read both before you comment.

More Thoughts on Homosexuals
Homosexuality is a sensitive subject. Pastors take two approaches with
it. Some preach vehemently against it, and others won't even touch the
subject. They are to afraid to offend someone who is gay or has a gay
loved one. I'm not a gay basher and I'm not afraid to say it's wrong. I don't
want people thinking that just because I love people who are gay that
homosexuality is "No Biggie" with God or in the church.
I've heard a lot of reasons why people think gay is ok. I've heard....

Homosexuality is a gray area in the bible
Some people think homosexuality is one of those "go with your gut"
type of things like listening to secular music, the version of the
bible you use, or dancing in church. Umm... No, it's not even close to
those. It's clearly wrong. (See I Corinthians chapter 6, Romans 1, and
Matthew 19 to see New Testament examples of God's plan for sex)
Whenever Jesus or Paul spoke of sexuality in any context they always
related it directly back to the beginning of creation. Adam and Eve
themselves are the blueprint. There is something good in the male
female relationship.

You can't choose who you love
Really? I choose to love people all the time, and my wife chooses to
love me everyday. Love is a choice. Love has always been a choice. Be
friends, buddies, confidants with the same sex, but not lovers. If
were honest lovers is just code for "lusters" regardless of the

I can't choose who I'm attracted to
This is true, but you can choose who you have sex with. I can't change
the fact that extra-large pepperoni pizza always sounds good to me,
but I don't eat it every day. Just because I'm attracted to a woman
doesn't meant I sleep with her. I'd die if I did. I make a choice. We
get to choose who we have sex with. We aren't dogs, we aren't robots,
but we are people who can make choices.

I've always been this way
Probably, but we are all messed up. We all have our problems, and
everyone is in need of restoration. A struggle is not defeat. There is
a difference between fighting something and surrendering to it. (see
earlier post for more on this)

If it makes you happy go for it
Not a good life philosophy. It sounds good, but it doesn't make sense
like the Black Eyed-Peas. If we all just did what made us happy this
planet would suck worse. Just because you want to do something doesn't
mean you should. I forgot life was all about you. I forgot that this
whole thing was built for your eternal pleasure. Forgive my ignorance.
People spend to much time seeking happiness and miss it because
self-centeredness makes us blind. Selfishness is destroying this
world. Only Jesus message of selflessness can help.

I know gay people who are more like Jesus then some Christians.
I know cats that are more like Christ then some Christians. Just
because some Christians are idiots doesn't mean God is. It's true
claiming Christ doesn't make you like Him, but it's not about who is
more like Christ. It's about who is like Christ. Let's not judge each
other on percentages of Christ likeness. It will get ugly and we will
all lose.

Sex is just for fun
Sex is not a "just for fun" physical activity. It's not like playing
cards, or watching a movie, sexual activity impacts us physically and
emotionally. You can tell what something is for by what it does. Sex
can be fun, sex is for making babies. There is no mystery, and He made
it enjoyable because He loves people. When you have sex God's way, He
is pleased because you may be making another person for Him to love.
God is ok with Homosexuality now because we have too many people
Really? I've done my share of justifying my own sin, but even this is a stretch.

It's not hurting anyone
Are you sure about this?

Final thoughts...
No one is trying to say you can't love someone. Love is good. We are
supposed to love everyone. Sex is reserved for use in a marriage
between a man and a woman. No one is saying it's the worst sin in the
world, but it is on the list of the sins that have some dire
consequences. No one is saying you can't be happy. But, for some
reason, focusing on others is the real way to happiness.