Sunday, November 7, 2010

Following His Voice

In Acts, Paul walked everywhere. Distances were great. It is recorded in the book that he walked over 500 miles before being given clear direction of where he was going. That means he was walking for around 25 days before he knew where he was going.

He knew God said to go, and he went. God spoke through natural and supernatural means.This is the definition of walking by faith. Paul had every excuse to stop. Walking that far was arduous and costly. Paul's companions followed him. That takes a lot of faith and commitment too.

In Acts 16:9, Paul has a dream where a man calls him to Macedonia. He gets there and is greeted by women. Paul was not deterred. He recognized the voice of God. He was following the leading of Jesus.

How would we respond to this? If I have a dream about a man, I would expect to see a man. If I didn't I would think I missed. Somehow, Paul was shaken. His faith was strong. He kept going. He never stopped.

Sometimes when we hear God it doesn't always work out like we think it will. But, if we trust Him it will be ok. And, though the leading of the Spirit may not be as often as we'd like it, or as clear as we expect. God is leading us, and we will be victorious.

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