Thursday, June 30, 2011

Devotion for Thursday, June 30 2011

Give us this day our daily bread. (Matthew 6:11 NKJV)

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He a used combination of words that has puzzled translators for centuries. What exactly does "our daily bread" mean?

For one, it show us our need for continual nourishment. Jesus is available for us here and now.

It can also refer to the bread which sustains us. Jesus is the Bread of Life, and He is the one who sustains us.

A third rendering is "our bread for tomorrow." So the verse can be translated as, "Give us tomorrow's bread, today." We have an unspeakable glory waiting for us in heaven. We have peace, joy, wholeness, purity, victory, and love waiting for us in heaven, and we are encouraged to ask for some of it today.

In Jesus, we are given the chance to ask for some of tomorrow's blessings today.

Father, You are wonderful. I come humbly before you and ask for my daily bread. You are the one who sustains me, You are everything, and I need You today. Please, give me my daily bread. In, Jesus Name

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